Posters and Banners

We encourage community groups and organisations to support International Volunteer Managers Day and related promotions.

Have a look at our current and past promotions to help you with your promotional plans.

2024 Theme

The Global IVMDay Organising Committee are proud to announce the theme for IVMDay for 2024.

“What’s our future normal?”

This theme was selected to celebrate our quarter century milestone and explore our future normal, including:

  • The place of Volunteer Leaders in National Volunteering Strategies
  • Future workforce make up (both volunteers and Volunteer Leaders) and their views and expectations
  • The changing importance being placed on how personal volunteer data is being secured and handled
  • The increasing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Volunteer Management
  • And much more.

We look forward to celebrating and exploring this theme with you all as we head towards November 5. Please comment on social media with hashtag #IVMDay24 and tell us what you think our future normal is.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

Overall theme social media

What's our future normal? - Timeline What's our future normal? - Crystal Ball What's our future normal? - Science Fiction

Theme explored social media

What's our future normal? - Volunteering Strategies What's our future normal? - Future Workforce What's our future normal? - Volunteer Data What's our future normal? - AI

LinkedIn cover

What's our future normal? - LinkedIn

Facebook covers

What's our future normal? - Timeline What's our future normal? - Crystal Ball What's our future normal? - Science Fiction

Twitter covers

What's our future normal? - Timeline What's our future normal? - Crystal Ball What's our future normal? - Science Fiction

International translations will be available soon.

For any enquiries, please contact the IVMDay Committee Chair, Andy Fryar via

2023 Theme

The Global IVMDay Organising Committee are proud to announce the theme for IVMDay for 2023.

“Helping Others Help”

In selecting this year’s theme, we are seeking to achieve two things:

Firstly, we want to bring attention back to the very core of what it is we do – we enable others to make a difference!

But equally as important, is the reminder that it is not just paid professionals who make up our wonderful profession, and so in the leadup to IVMDay 2023, we also want to explore and find ways to pay homage to all those who lead volunteers in their own time, at their own expense or as a part of a different broader job.

We look forward to celebrating and exploring these things with you all as we head towards November 5.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

Helping Others Help Helping Others Help Helping Others Help Helping Others Help

For any enquiries, please contact the IVMDay Committee Chair, Andy Fryar via

2022 Theme

“Many Backgrounds – One Profession – Stronger Together”

This theme conveys a strength the volunteer leadership sector possesses that we don’t draw on enough… the huge and diverse range of backgrounds that volunteering leaders come from.

On one hand – we come from a wide range of professional backgrounds. We are also made up of people from all walks of life and different cultural backgrounds.

We believe that this diversity of backgrounds should allow us to think differently, we can find solutions together when we come at issues from different perspectives. As we all have different skill sets we should be able to collectively collaborate and use more these more productively.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

Many Backgrounds - One Profession - Stronger Together Many Backgrounds - One Profession - Stronger Together Many Backgrounds - One Profession - Stronger Together Before I was a Volunteer Manager I was a ... [Rectangle Poster] Before I was a Volunteer Manager I was a ... [Square Poster] Before I was a Volunteer Manager I thought I would be ... [Rectangle Poster]

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I thought I would be ... [Square Poster] 2022 Theme [Spanish] Poster 1 [Spanish] Poster 2 [Spanish] It's Here [Spanish] 2022 Theme [French]

Poster 1 [French] Poster 2 [French] It's Here [French] 2022 Poster [Portuguese]

2021 Theme

Recent times have allowed us the space to consider (and re-consider) many aspects of the important work we undertake as Volunteer Managers.

To that end, the Global IVMDay Coordinating Committee are proud to announce that the theme of IVMDay 2021 will be:

“What Is Excellence? – Pushing us beyond the ordinary”

We believe it is time to reflect upon what ‘excellence’ really means for our profession, and work towards creating some common language around this important topic.

Over the coming months we will look to provide some stimulating debate on many different aspects of just what does constitute ‘excellence in volunteer engagement’.

For example, what does excellence look like in:

  • Volunteer leadership?
  • Volunteer management certifications and learning?
  • Diversity and equity?
  • Managing up?
  • Meaningful engagement?
  • Embracing technology and systems?

Now is the time to start planning how you might celebrate IVMDay 2021 in your organisation or region – and how you might use this theme to create some meaningful outcomes from the day.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

What is Excellence? What is Excellence? What is Excellence? What is Excellence? What is Excellence? What is Excellence?

What is Excellence? What is Excellence?

2020 Theme

“What’s Next!”

This year’s theme will simply be “What’s Next?”. The Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges on many levels, and those of us leading volunteer effort have found ourselves in positions we never imagined. It’s our hope that over the lead up to IVMDay 2020, we will continue to have time to reflect on the lessons, challenges and most importantly opportunities that confront us – and we hope that IVMDay 2020 will offer a focal point for volunteering leaders, the world over, to collaborate and consolidate the way forward.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

WHAT'S NEXT? What's Next for the COVID-19 Recovery What's Next for Informal Volunteering What's Next for 'Traditional' Volunteer Leadership Practices and the 'Traditional' Volunteering Landscape What's Next for Ensuring Volunteering is Accessible and Equitable for all Communities

2019 Theme

“Change the Tune!”

We believe that this theme reflects the frustration experienced in many volunteer management circles, where we continue to have the same struggles and discussions year after year. This year’s theme is a chance for us to think differently about how volunteer leadership is positioned – in the hope that we can change the dialogue.

We are also proud to announce that 2019 marks the 20th time we have celebrated IVMDay!

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on any of the images to link to full-size graphic.

Change the Tune Theme IVMD2019_sign_1 IVMD2019_sign_2

2018 Theme

“Time for Change”

We hope that this timely theme will allow us to explore the changes needed in our great profession to ensure it remains relevant and powerful into the future.

The team at Volunteering Queensland have provided the following graphics:

TIME FOR CHANGE_clock TIME FOR CHANGE_watch TIME FOR CHANGE_tartis TIME-FOR-CHANGE_timetravel TIME FOR CHANGE_sundial IVMD2018_sign_1 IVMD2018_sign_2

2017 Theme

“Be The Voice!”

The 2017 theme seeks to recognise that Volunteer Managers need to be so much more than just accomplished leaders of people – we need to be change agents and advocates for our volunteers and for volunteering.

We need to make a difference.
We need to agitate.
We need to advocate.

As we look at global trends, politics and priorities, the need for effective volunteer engagement has never been more important – and while it’s important to celebrate our great profession on IVMDay, we also want to encourage all volunteer leaders to find ways to fight for great volunteering environments, advocate for adequate resources and become effective activists for the profession of volunteer leadership.

Sabrina Norbido and the team at Volunteering Queensland have provided the following graphics:

banner-blue banner-green banner-white hashtag2 ivm_2 ivm_3

text-art1 text-art-2-2 IVMD_signs-1 IVMD_signs-2 IVMD_signs-3

2016 Theme

Volunteer Management. One Job. Many Hats.

Aside from being a theme that we hope many people can have some fun with, it also reflects the multi-dimensional skill base that VM’s have to develop to be truly effective in their roles.

Further, it speaks a lot about how volunteer leadership is such a critical part of so many spheres of society.

The team at Volunteering Queensland have provided the following graphics:

queensland2 2016 Campaign - Queensland ivmd_interaction_cheer ivmd_interaction_detective ivmd_interaction_formal ivmd_interaction_academic 

ivmd_interaction_beanie ivmd_interaction_jester ivmd_interaction_minerhat ivmd_interaction_police ivmd_interaction_sailor ivmd_interaction_wizard

ivmd_web_follow_social_media_blue ivmd_web_follow_social_media_green Banner Banner

Here is an oldie but still relevant (Energize inc)


2015 Theme

Volunteer Managers: The power behind Super Hero volunteers

Have a look at the 2015 superhero themed memes from a variety of sources.

ivmd15_addyourthought-jpg ivmd15_downloadresourcespromotion ivmd15_putvolmgrfacehere ivmd15_superwoman IVMDay twitter icon ivmday2015_energize_jpg-for-postcard

A variety of banners from around the world:

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