Be the Voice – Announcement of 2017 theme

Not long until we celebrate IVMDay for another year and to that end, we are thrilled to announce the theme for IVMDay 2017!

“Be The Voice!”

The 2017 theme seeks to recognise that Volunteer Managers need to be so much more than just accomplished leaders of people – we need to be change agents and advocates for our volunteers and for volunteering.

We need to make a difference.
We need to agitate.
We need to advocate.

As we look at global trends, politics and priorities, the need for effective volunteer engagement has never been more important – and while it’s important to celebrate our great profession on IVMDay, we also want to encourage all volunteer leaders to find ways to fight for great volunteering environments, advocate for adequate resources and become effective activists for the profession of volunteer leadership.

We hope you’ll join us!

Welcome to Fife Voluntary Action

We are thrilled to welcome a new supporter group from Scotland – Fife Voluntary Action.

They are the Third Sector interface within the Fife Council area and involved in supporting, developing and representing community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering. To learn more visit

Thanks for your support of IVMDay!

Education through Celebration

It’s important to let Volunteer Managers know that the spirit of volunteerism is enhanced and enabled by them – and to thank them.

Just as important is the opportunity to educate others about this important work, which is why we encourage the catch phrase

Education through Celebration

when we acknowledge IVMDay each year.