IVMDay 2024 – Theme Announcement

2024 Theme

The Global IVMDay Organising Committee are proud to announce the theme for IVMDay for 2024.

“What’s our future normal?”

This theme was selected to celebrate our quarter century milestone and explore our future normal, including:

  • The place of Volunteer Leaders in National Volunteering Strategies
  • Future workforce make up (both volunteers and Volunteer Leaders) and their views and expectations
  • The changing importance being placed on how personal volunteer data is being secured and handled
  • The increasing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Volunteer Management
  • And much more.

We look forward to celebrating and exploring this theme with you all as we head towards November 5. Please comment on social media with hashtag #IVMDay24 and tell us what you think our future normal is.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

Overall theme social media

What's our future normal? - Timeline What's our future normal? - Crystal Ball What's our future normal? - Science Fiction

Theme explored social media

What's our future normal? - Volunteering Strategies What's our future normal? - Future Workforce What's our future normal? - Volunteer Data

What's our future normal? - AI

LinkedIn cover

What's our future normal? - LinkedIn

Facebook covers

What's our future normal? - Timeline What's our future normal? - Crystal Ball What's our future normal? - Science Fiction

Twitter covers

What's our future normal? - Timeline What's our future normal? - Crystal Ball What's our future normal? - Science Fiction

International translations will be available soon.

For any enquiries, please contact the IVMDay Committee Chair, Andy Fryar via andyfryar66@gmail.com.

Proud Sponsor: Better Impact

In the lead up to IVMDay 2023, we are proud to announce an exciting new partnership with our friends at Better Impact.

The partnership will help us to grow the day to even greater heights in the years to come.

IVMDay 2023 – Theme Announcement

2023 Theme

The Global IVMDay Organising Committee are proud to announce the theme for IVMDay for 2023.

“Helping Others Help”

In selecting this year’s theme, we are seeking to achieve two things:

Firstly, we want to bring attention back to the very core of what it is we do – we enable others to make a difference!

But equally as important, is the reminder that it is not just paid professionals who make up our wonderful profession, and so in the leadup to IVMDay 2023, we also want to explore and find ways to pay homage to all those who lead volunteers in their own time, at their own expense or as a part of a different broader job.

We look forward to celebrating and exploring these things with you all as we head towards November 5.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

General social media

Helping Others Help Helping Others Help

Facebook cover

Helping Others Help

Twitter header

Helping Others Help

For any enquiries, please contact the IVMDay Committee Chair, Andy Fryar via andyfryar66@gmail.com.

IVMDay 2022 – Theme Announcement

2022 Theme

“Many Backgrounds – One Profession – Stronger Together”

This theme conveys a strength the volunteer leadership sector possesses that we don’t draw on enough… the huge and diverse range of backgrounds that volunteering leaders come from.

On one hand – we come from a wide range of professional backgrounds. We are also made up of people from all walks of life and different cultural backgrounds.

We believe that this diversity of backgrounds should allow us to think differently, we can find solutions together when we come at issues from different perspectives. As we all have different skill sets we should be able to collectively collaborate and use more these more productively.

Please spread these resources far and wide.

Click on the image to link to full-size graphic.

General social media

Many Backgrounds - One Profession - Stronger Together

Facebook cover

Many Backgrounds - One Profession - Stronger Together

Twitter header

Many Backgrounds - One Profession - Stronger Together

Social media campaign

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I was a …

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I was a ... [Rectangle Poster]

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I was a ... [Square Poster]

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I thought I would be …

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I thought I would be ... [Rectangle Poster]

Before I was a Volunteer Manager I thought I would be ... [Square Poster]

Spanish versions

2022 Theme [Spanish] Poster 1 [Spanish] Poster 2 [Spanish]

It's Here [Spanish]

French versions

2022 Theme [French] Poster 1 [French] Poster 2 [French]

It's Here [French]

Portuguese versions

2022 Poster [Portuguese]

For any enquiries, please contact the IVMDay Committee Chair, Andy Fryar via andyfryar66@gmail.com.